Neopets Wiki
Neopoint-bag 2.33 Points = 1 NP
Difficulty-Meter-Difficult Medium
Iaza14042565375008 Neopia Central
External Links
Iaza14042576600800 High Score Page
Red Pteri The Daily Neopets
Button playnow

Wingoball is a Sports/Puzzle game from Neopia Central on Neopets. AddictingGames mirror, game ID 826.

Site Description[]

" It's the new game sensation that's sweeping Neopia - WINGOBALL! The object of the game is to toss your wingoball so that it reaches the safety zone on the right side of the field. Your ball can bounce off various obstacles (bushes, potted plants, statues, etc.).
You'll also find pesky little garden gnomes; sometimes they stay in one place, but other times (when they think no one is looking), they'll move back and forth. If a red-hatted gnome snatches up your wingoball, you'll have to try again.


  • This game has a medal for 100 million plays


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