Neopets Wiki
The Obelisk

The War for the Obelisk was a plot that began when a fearsome earthquake rocked Tyrannia and uncovered a strange Obelisk in February 2013. Six factions gathered to fight over it, eventually revealing an ancient spirit within known as the Oracle.



Near the end of the war, six spirits came as the final challenge.

Digging for Relics[]

Zafara Digger

After the earthquakes stopped, an intrepid Zafara Digger took it upon himself to excavate the mysterious spire and got other players to scan for buried relics near the excavation site. Users could participate by purchasing Scanscopes from the NC Mall, scanning the area, and then digging up the prehistoric prize.

This event was held from February 11th, 2013-February 25th, 2013.

Scanoscope Prizes[]

February 12
Tyrannian Lagoon Background
February 13
Carved Bone Sword
February 14
Tyrannian Camouflage Dress
February 15
Hanging Beads Garland
February 16
Niptor Contacts
February 17
Formidable Bone Shoulder Armour
February 18
Dusty Adventurer Hat and Wig
February 19
Tribal Pottery Foreground
February 20
Tyrannian Camouflage Shoes
February 21
Stonehead Spear
February 22
Tribal Skeleton Armour
February 23
Fashionable Bone Wig
February 24
Lair Beast Wings
February 25
Tyrannian Print Tutu


At the end of the war, the Sway emerged victorious, earning them the right to open the Obelisk. Inside, they found the ancient spirit known as the Oracle, and then discovered that it summoned the spirits to test their strengths. The Oracle claimed to know much of Neopia's coming future, but refused to reveal it so suddenly, so it instead decided to reward the Sway with "boons". A truce was then established between the remaining factions, but within mere weeks, they began fighting again, with the factions facing off against each other in smaller groups; it continues to this day. In the Battleground of the Obelisk, the Oracle rewards the winning factions with various boons to help them around the website.

Final Prizes[]


1 hq934hg
Dirt Collector
0 - 9,999
2 hai3a7hr
10,000 - 44,999
3 a97g3da
45,000 - 124,999
4 qhg73ni
Camp Guard
125,000 - 299,999
5 ghq4b39
Battle-Hardened Bruiser
300,000 - 443,670
6 h97gql
564,498 - 649,999
7 n3d4gq
Honoured Champion of the Obelisk

Boons (The Sway-Exclusive)[]

Boon Effect
Bank Bribery Increases your interest rate at the National Neopian Bank by 3%.
Black Market Goods Shows and highlights exclusive items in shop restocks that are not available to those without this boon.
Cheaper by the Dozen Allows you to purchase stocks selling for 10+ NP instead of the usual minimum price of 15 NP.
Refreshed Quest Request Allows you to swap out any Faerie Quest you have received at any time for a random, new one.
That Millionaire Feeling Allows you to offer up to 2,000,000 NP on a Trading Post lot. However, in November 2014, the usual NP offer limit was raised to 2,000,000 NP (formerly 800,000 NP), unfortunately making this boon redundant.
Full Pockets

Premium only*

Allows you to win extra Neopoints from Space Faerie Scratchcards.
Premium Dreamium* Allows you to send 4 scores per day (instead of 3) on the Premium Featured Game.

*Premium users will also get a choice of a second, Premium boon in addition to a boon from their winning faction.

Consolation Prizes[]

  • Biscuit Table Lamp
  • Blackberry Rug
  • Bobbing Lenny
  • Bony Bracers
  • Bottled Volcano Steam
  • Broken Desert Pottery
  • Checked Kitchen Chair
  • Cheese and Pickle Packed Lunch
  • Chesterdrawers Antique Almanac Vol. IV
  • Christmas Zafara Picture Frame
  • Cream Cheese Pretzel Bites
  • Cucumber Salad
  • Dipping Apples
  • Egg Salad Packed Lunch
  • Encyclopedia Neopia
  • Engraved Short Sword
  • Fiery Carved Torch
  • Fire Chomby Plushie
  • Fire Tipped Spear
  • Fizzy Apple Juice
  • Flaming Shield of Fire
  • Framed Toast
  • Freeze Dried Bacon
  • Garlicy Mushrooms
  • Gooseberry Jam Packed Lunch
  • Granola Parfait
  • Green Ruki Plushie
  • Green Wocky Figurine
  • Ham and Mustard Packed Lunch
  • Hot Fudge Sundae
  • Kacheek Flower Vase
  • Laced Wooden Staff
  • Maractite Throwing Net
  • Meepit Painted Rock
  • Muffin Baking Book
  • Neopian Jambalaya
  • Oatmeal Raisins
  • Orange Wocky Puzzle
  • Pile of Logs Foreground
  • Professional Sock Collections
  • Protective Lime Helmet
  • Pull Along Kougra
  • Purple Hissi Plushie
  • River Rocks Foreground
  • Ruki Ornament
  • Salisbury Steak
  • Sentimental Sediments
  • Set of Spoons
  • Singularity Play Set
  • Sketch Sofa
  • Spotted Kiko Plushie
  • Sturdy Blue Sword
  • Sunglasses Book
  • The Biographies of Mostly Important Neopians
  • The Month of Eating
  • Tomato Bomb
  • Toy Pirate Cannon
  • Tyrannia Travel Brochure
  • Volcano Diagrams
  • Von Roo Dice
  • Wooden Vampire Stake

Prize Shop[]

Greed Keyring

1 point

Pride Keyring

1 point

Envy Keyring

1 point

Wrath Keyring

1 point

Apathy Keyring

1 point

Death Keyring

1 point

Petrified Cake

100 points

Pilfered Mug of Coffee

100 points

Innocuous Cup of Hot Chocolate

100 points

Magical Floating Tea Set

100 points

Light Appetizer

100 points

Ultimate Concoction for Restoring Refreshment

100 points

Helpful Zafara Digger

500 Points

Fortune-Telling Oracle Machine

1,000 points

Chess Set of Foreboding

2,500 points

Krawk Prisoner Hand Puppet

2,500 points

Confused Wizard Action Figure

2,500 points

Personal Training Dummy

2,500 points

Experiment Notes: Hour 1

2,500 points

Eau de Mort

2,500 points

E-Z Brand My First Death Axe

5,000 points

Handmade Master Thief Kanrik Plushie

7,500 points

Handmade Duchess Plushie

7,500 points

Handmade Rasala the Bright Plushie

7,500 points

Handmade Commander Flint Plushie

7,500 points

Handmade Professor Lambert Plushie

7,500 points

Handmade Lanie & Lillie Plushie Set

7,500 points

Tyrannian Paint Brush

10,000 points

Mysterious Obelisk Stamp

15,000 points

Adorably Pink Lollypop

25,000 points

Members Only Moustache

25,000 points

My Mechanical Buddy T-3000

25,000 points

Battle Beard

25,000 points

Bewitching Sorcerers Bonnet

25,000 points

Thieves Hood

25,000 points

Runes of the Obelisk

50,000 points

Red Erisim

60,000 points

Relic Paint Brush

70,000 points

Rejuvenating Jar of Brains

100,000 points

Fancy Dress Armour

100,000 points

Galems Cloak

100,000 points

Wand of Lameness

100,000 points

Ring of the Sway

100,000 points

Collapsible Offensive Device

100,000 points

Ultimate Battlefield Foreground

150,000 points


200,000 points

Ultimate Battlefield Background

200,000 points


225,000 points

Shadow Paint Brush

250,000 points

A Shovel

275,000 points


The Obelisk War Veteran avatar was awarded to participators in the War for the Obelisk.

Site Theme[]

As well, the Tyrannia: Mysterious Obelisk site theme was rewarded to participators as a token of appreciation.


First Charge[]
Achievement How To Prize
Dapper 'Dome Customise your battle pet with a hat, then go fight in the Battledome. Neovian Fashion History
Stick 'Em With the Pointy End Equip any weapon to your pet. Double Pointed Spear
Second Assault[]
Achievement How To Prize
Not A Quitter Fill the "Doing Your Part" bar for the Second Assault wave of challengers. Caramel Iced Coffee with Extra Caramel
Daring Dare-doer Complete a Faction Challenge. Gold Stars Sheet
Raiding Party[]
Achievement How To Prize
Flawless Victory Win a battle with full hit points. Amber Sword
I Used To Be A Great Battler Lose a battle with your active pet. Icy Muffin
Offensive Strike[]
Achievement How To Prize
Fight ALL The Challengers! Battle every challenger in the War for the Obelisk in Waves 1 - 4 (their difficulty level doesn't matter). Lesser Healing Scroll
Positively, Naturally, And Really All Around Inconceivable Get 10 wins in a row against challengers in the fourth wave. Grey Shield
Final Invasion[]
Achievement How To Prize
Warm Fuzzies Beat each of the faction leaders in the Final Invasion. Maractite Pauldrons
I Do Not Think That Is What You Think It Is Gift any item to a member of an opposing team. Apologetic Bouquet of Flowers
Surprise Attack[]
Achievement How To Prize
Neopet SMASH! Apparently received after afflicting approximately 2k damage total against "Mighty" opponents. Pea Chia Plushie
'Tis Just A Scratch Multiple methods were suggested: Survive one round and be KO'd on the second; use a healing item even with a 1-hit KO, receive over 1k damage in a single turn, etc. Healing Springs Stamp

External Links[]
