The Usuki Paint Brush is a Paint Brush that offers two playful colours exclusive to Quiggles and Usuls: Quiguki and Usuki, respectively.
The Quiguki and Usuki pets are based on the in-universe Quiguki and Usuki Dolls. In fact, Quiguki/Usuki Boy pets resemble Quiguki/Usuki Musketeers, while Quiguki/Usuki Girl pets resemble the Beautiful Hair Quiguki/Magical Hair Usuki Dolls, respectively.
How to Obtain[]
To get a Quiguki or Usuki pet, the player will need a Usuki Paint Brush or access to the Species Change Premium perk or Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway. Players may also be able to adopt one, trade for one, or apply a Nostalgic Quiguki or Usuki token (either from the Styling Studio or other players) to one of their pets for a different look.
Usuki Pets[]
Here are all the Neopets that can be painted Usuki.
Quiguki Pets[]
Here are all the Neopets that can be painted Quiguki.
Quiguki Pet Styles[]
So, you CAN have the best of both worlds! Quiguki Pet Styles are exclusive to Quiggles.
Usuki Pet Styles[]
Usukiland is back in stock! Usuki Pet Styles are exclusive to Usuls.