Neopets Wiki
Neopets Wiki

So, as of right now, very few items are actually listed on this wiki. Some of them have full pages while others are only mentioned in passing on other top level pages (like wearables).

I feel that there are 2 potential ways we could proceed with adding more items to the site:

1. Every item gets it own page

These pages will be very short, often constituting stubs by Fandom's categorization method. Due to the sheer amount of items neopets has, this would add thousands (if not tens of thousands) of unique pages to the wiki if we were to list every single item on Neopets. You would be able to navigate items by type through actual categories, making it easy to set items as multiple categories at once without duplicating info so we could have not just high-level typing (like "Food") but also the more granular typing neopets itself uses (like "Spooky Food" and "Gourmet Food").

2. There are only top-level pages for item types and each item does not get its own page

There would be articles for each main item type (such as wearable, food, toy, etc.) and these pages would have a list of items on them. To search for items you would go to these pages and look through them instead of using Category:Category navigation. This would cut down on the number of pages that need to be created and prevent the build up of false stubs. The downside would be that each page would end up very large with very many images, descriptions, etc. all at once. These pages would need multiple collapsible sections (alphabetical and/or rarity based?) to make loading and navigating them easier. Adding items to multiple categories (e.g. Grooming and Wearable) would mean duplicating that info onto multiple pages instead of simply adding category tags.

I've set up a poll on the front page to gauge what users consider the superior method. I personally prefer the second one as the idea of creating so many tiny pages seems crazy; we wouldn't be able to compete with Jellyneo's item database anyway. The only other alternative I can think of is just not to list items on the wiki at all, but that kinda feels like a cop-out, especially when there already exists some items.

If you have some other idea for dealing with items, or just any kind of feedback, feel free to leave it in the comments here or on my message wall! Thanks y'all!