Neopets Wiki

Unconverted Neopets (UCs) were pets whose old art had been grandfathered in upon Neopets' art overhaul of April 2007, in which most of the newly converted pets took on uniform positions regardless of colour or species - in the wake of customisation - without their owners' consent. Because of this, UCs were highly valued, with rich/old players being their most common owners. Adding to this value was the fact that UCs could not change their color and/or species without getting converted themselves, that they could not be created (save for a 2021 exploit), and that they were not customisable (save for background and foreground items).[1]

Site Description (Convert Neopet)[]

" Some Neopets that had a given species/color combination before Customised Pets were introduced are allowed to keep their old artwork, if you so choose. HOWEVER, these Neopets will not be fully customisable unless you convert them to the new artwork. If you choose to make your Neopet fully customisable, you will be able to dress your Neopet with clothes and items!

If you want to keep a Neopet that has old-style artwork, then you do not have to do anything! Simply go on about your business. But if, at some point, you decide to convert your Neopet to the new artwork, you can do so here.

WARNING!!! Converting your Neopet to the new style is an IRREVERSIBLE change! Once it is done, it cannot be undone no matter how badly you may wish it! So be very, very sure that you are okay with this before you do it!

Glitched UC controversy[]

In 2021, there was an exploit that allowed users to create new UCs with administrative tools. TNT have since solved the issue by deleting or converting the generated UCs, freezing users who had taken advantage of the exploit, and hinting at the true return of UCs.[2]


On January 22nd, 2023, UCs were officially replaced by Pet Styles, with any pre-existing UCs automatically being equipped with a colour-appropriate Nostalgic Neopet token to prevent them from accidentally converting.[3][4][5]

Trophy oldpet 1

Additionally, any pets that were created prior to the date of the big conversion (April 26th, 2007) received a commemorative Old Pet Trophy for their lookups.[6][7][8][9]


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