- "Oh, hey! The name’s Umbra. You’ve stumbled into my studio space looking for some different styles of art, huh? Artists don’t work for free around here, so you’ll need to bring me some Styling Studio Supplies or Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies before I can create something for you."
– Umbra Penn
Umbra Penn is a Lutari artist who runs the Styling Studio in the NC Mall.
Umbra is a Grey Lutari with dark teal hair, ear piercings and a paint brush. They also wear a gradient-laden jacket, black pants, an artist's smock, and dark teal sneakers. Umbra is also covered head to toe in aquamarine, yellow, and magenta paint from their brush.
While Umbra may appear to be somewhat monochromatic and broody, they are very passionate about painting colourful works of art to make Neopia a more creative and pleasant world to be in.

- Lania and Umbra Family Photo
- Umbra Body Butter
- Umbra Penn Plushie
- Umbra's favourite part of painting is figuring out how to paint the shadows.