Neopets Wiki
Turmac Roll (G366)
Neopoint-bag 1.67 Points = 1 NP
Difficulty-Meter-Difficult Medium
Iaza14042565375008 Meridell
External Links
Iaza14042576600800 High Score Page
Red Pteri The Daily Neopets
Button playnow

Turmac Roll is an Action game from Meridell on Neopets.

Site Description[]

" If a Turmac eats a lot, it can grow up to be big and strong (maybe even as big as the Turmaculus one day!) Guide your little Turmac using the arrow keys and collect as many berries as possible without hitting anything! "


  • This game has a ribbon for 200 million plays
  • The original Flash game (pre-conversion) can be found in the classic games room.


Visit the Games category for the full list of games.