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Talpidat petpet
Besides being able to swiftly burrow using oversized paws, this mischievous creature also employs needle-like teeth to drain neggs dry!
Auctioneer Use Auction
Shopwizard Use Shop Wizard
Tradingfaerie Use Trading Post

Talpidat is a Spooky Petpet on Neopets. It was first discovered in the Grave Danger crypt during the 2022 Festival of Neggs event and was subsequently released as a final prize for the event. Four months after the event concluded, Talpidats became restockable in the Spooky Petpets shop on Halloween, 2022.


Weight: 3 lbs.
Rarity: 98
Estimated Value: 9,082 NP


  • Talpidat Bobblehead
  • Talpidat Plushie


  • Talpidat Pin

Cooking Pot[]

  • None


  • Negg Enigma - Acquired by participating in the 2022 Festival of Neggs.

Game Appearances[]

  • None

More Information[]

  • Although Talpidats move gracefully when digging, they are very clumsy and uncoordinated on land. They excrete and leave behind a type of glowing goo from their tails to help them find their way back to their nests.
  • During the 2022 Festival of Neggs event, tomes telling of the Talpidats were scattered all over the Haunted Woods, leading to a rumour of the event being haunted due to the ancient Petpets mysteriously making burrows all across Neopia.

Neopet Match[]

Available Colors[]

Below are all possible colours for the Talpidat. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

Talpidats in italics are unpaintable.


*The Ghost Talpidat is a Lab Rat.
**The Snow Talpidat was a 2022 Advent Calendar prize.


Visit the Petpet Category for the full list of Petpets.