The Symol is a Medieval Petpet on Neopets.
Weight: 1 lbs.
Rarity: 94
Estimated Value: 19,000 NP
- Book of Symols
- Caution: Symols Foreground (NC)
- Cosy Symol Hole Background
- Curious Woodland Symols (NC)
- Down the Symol Hole
- Essence of Symol
- Giant Oversized Symol Plushie
- Golden Symol Statue
- Guacasymole
- I Love My Mutant Symol Shirt
- Into the Symol Hole Background
- Jar of Symol Fur
- New Years Inside the Symol Hole Background (NC)
- Shiny Symol Brooch
- Squeezy Symol Toy
- Stained Glass Symol Window
- Starry Symol Bath Tub
- Symol (TCG)
- Symol Backpack
- Symol Balloon
- Symol Bean Bag
- Symol Bouncy Ball
- Symol Bread
- Symol Brush
- Symol Chair
- Symol Cheddar Cheese Ball
- Symol Claw Shovel
- Symol Claws 101
- Symol Clockwork Wind Up Toy
- Symol Costume Body
- Symol Costume Head
- Symol Dinner
- Symol Dirt Pie
- Symol Exercise Ball
- Symol Extra Cheesy Cheese Ball
- Symol Field Background
- Symol Flail
- Symol Hair Tie
- Symol Hat
- Symol Hole
- Symol Lolly
- Symol Mirror
- Symol Moldy Cheese Ball
- Symol Paddleball
- Symol Petpet Bed
- Symol Plushie
- Symol Powder Puff
- Symol Puppet
- Symol Sleeping Bag
- Symol Soap on a Rope
- Symol Sofa
- Symol T-shirt
- Symol Table
- Symol Warrens (TCG)
- Symol Water Bowl
- Symol White Cheddar Cheese Ball
- Symol-in-a-Box
- Tales of the Red Symol
- Teeny Tiny Symol Cymbals
- The Golden Symol
- The Symol Scientist
- Whack a Symol Toy
- Zombie Symols Cemetery Foreground (NC)
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- McDonalds Symol Petpet Clip
- Mini Red Symol Plushie
Symol - Random when visiting the Symol Hole.
Cooking Pot[]
Game Appearances[]
Available Colors[]
Below are all possible colours for the Symol. Hit "Expand" to see every one!
Symols in italics are unpaintable.
*The 8-Bit, Chocolate, Jelly, and Picnic Symols are Lab Rats.
External Links[]