The Space Adoption Agency is a place in the Virtupets Space Station that allows users to adopt their own Grundos.
Site Description[]
" Welcome to the Space Adoption Agency! Yes, you can be the proud owner of a Grundo, one of the Neopets forced to work on the Virtupets Space Station by Dr. Sloth during his attempted invasion of Neopia. I don't know if you really want one, though. They slobber horribly, and cry at night. Oh well, I guess you know best! "
Available Colours[]
- Arrrrrrrl
- Ecci ecc!
- Gflrrrrrpt
- Gfruple!
- Mfumfum...
- Ni!
- Oooooommmm ooomm!
- Rrrrrrrple
External Links[]
- The Space Adoption Agency on Neopets