Neopets Wiki

A safety deposit box (SDB) is a feature that safely stores the user's items from the Pant Devil and other random events which may steal the items in their inventory. Also, they may only carry up to 50 items in the inventory, but they can have an unlimited number of items tucked away in the safety deposit box.


There are two ways to search for items in your SDB. The first is by entering a search term. This doesn't have to be the exact item name. Typing code will bring up all your codestones, plus an item such as "Code Symbol Dice Set". The other way to search is to select a category. Selecting "codestones" will only bring up your codestones, and not other items, such as codestone plushies, or "Code Symbol Dice Set". You can also combine these two search features if you would prefer.


If you have 1000 different items in your SDB, you will receive the SDB Pack Rat Avatar.


Tcg 0085 UL08

There is currently only 1 item associated with the safety deposit box: "Safety Deposit Box (TCG)"

