Neopets Wiki

The NeoDeck is a collection of all the user's Collectable Cards on Neopets.

Unlike with other collections, Collectable Cards can be removed from the user's NeoDeck at any time; duplicates of any card can also be added to the user's NeoDeck, but there is a limit of 365 total Collectable Cards.

NeoDeck Album[]

In the album view of the user's NeoDeck, the obtained Collectable Cards show an image of that card's character, making it easier to know which cards they have missed from a full deck.

Rarity List[]

The rarer a card is, the harder it will be to come by, but the more points they will go towards the user's NeoDeck high score.

  • Blue: Very Common (r180, r39 and under)
  • Red: Common (r40-50)
  • Pink: Uncommon (r51-60)
  • Green: Quite Rare (r61-70)
  • Purple: Rare (r71-80)
  • Black: Very Rare (r81-90)
  • Yellow: Ultra Rare (r91-99)
  • Holographic: Out of Print (r100+)

Where/How to Obtain[]

Premium Cards[]

There is also a collection of Collectable Cards exclusive to Premium members. It is updated each month that the user's Premium membership is active. Unlike the regular Collectable Cards, Premium Collectable Cards are non-tradable and do not effect the user's NeoDeck high score. All of them can be viewed here.


  • Collectable Cards were some of the earliest collectable items on the site.
  • Originally, Collectable Card characters were all user-submitted, but were gradually replaced by more well-known and recognisable characters as the site updated its art and gained its own identity.

External Links[]
