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"We'd tell them to bring their own brains... But what fun would that be?"

– Lanie and Lillie's words during the "Awakened" trailer

Click here to see more of Lanie and Lillie's quotes.

Lanie and Lillie Rotten[1] are two of the characters in The Mysterious Obelisk plot. They are affiliated with and the leaders of The Awakened.


Lanie and Lillie are identical twin yellow Wocky girls. Both have long black hair with pink bows on the top of their heads. Their large violet eyes stare vacantly most of the time and are ringed with dark circles. They wear matching light purple dresses with short sleeves, long white socks, and black Mary Jane shoes.


For the most part, while creepy and unnerving, Lanie and Lillie behave as the children they appear to be. They like to play and enjoy parties, candy, and cake. However, it is hinted that they are more mature (and dangerous) than they let on. Some of their dialogue indicates that Lanie and Lillie knew full well that it was a battle going on at the obelisk and not really a party. They also said they ate someone who tried to warn them about the war, and though they deny it, are often accused of doing away with other Neopets.

Lanie and Lillie have a monotonous way of speaking and such a close link to one another that they often finish each others' sentences.


According to a set of documents by a member of the Neovian Neighbourhood Watch named Wilberforce, Lanie and Lillie were once mortal Neopets who lived near him with their mother and baby brother.[2] They had a bizarre obsession with parties and exhibited disturbing behaviour which alarmed Wilberforce. Knowing their mother would never reprimand them, he became determined to record everything they did in hopes of getting the police involved.

Some of the trouble Lanie and Lillie caused included stealing the toys of other local children and stringing them up among the trees in the park as party decorations. A disappearance of neighbourhood Petpets suspiciously coincided with the twins helping their mother plant flourishing hydrangea bushes. Finally, on their birthday in Y14, Wilberforce would vaguely describe something horrible Lanie and Lillie did at their party which (it is implied) resulted in the deaths of their family and themselves.

Months later, Wilberforce started hearing Lanie and Lillie singing and laughing around his house, but no one believed him. Then he saw them at his window smiling in at him. His last report cuts off abruptly, and the "odd red substance" on the pages indicates he met a sticky end at the hands of the undead girls.

Lanie and Lillie began visiting cemeteries around the Haunted Woods, encouraging the dead to rise from their graves by giving them candy.[3] When they heard of the upcoming Obelisk War, they saw it as a party to which they were not invited. The twins and their army of zombies, ghosts, mummies, and monsters converged on Tyrannia to join in the "fun".

Their motive for wanting to reach the Obelisk was ostensibly to obtain the cake they thought was inside of it.


  • They are likely a parody of the Grady twins from The Shining. Their design, especially the color and style of their hair, seems to have been influenced by a famous photo of identical twin sisters taken by Diane Arbus (which is said to have been a source of inspiration for the look of The Shining's twins too).
  • Lanie and Lillie apparently enjoy materialising in Mayor Thumburt's mirror to scare him.
  • Their Petpet is a Warf.
  • Lawyerbot once wrote a poem about Lanie and Lillie's possible origins.[4] In it they died fetching water from a well to fill their mother's bath. However, TNT would later clarify that this was non-canon.[5]
  • According to the collection of Neighbourhood Watch Incident Reports made by Wilberforce, Lanie and Lillie were born on the 13th Day of Swimming. They seemingly died on that date as well at their birthday party in Y14.


Neopets Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Lanie and Lillie.


  1. Wilberforce refers to them as the Rotten twins and their home as Rotten's Residence, which (along with the word being capitalized) suggests it is the family name rather than an adjective.
  2. Neopedia : Reginalds Collection of Scary Stories (Y26)
  3. Neopedia : The Awakened
  4. Neopets - Lawyerbot's Poems Page
  5. The Neopian Times, Issue 595 | Editorial