Neopets Wiki
Neopets Wiki

Hunger is a status which gauges how full a Neopet is, and can be satisfied when the pet is fed. A hungry Neopet's mood may also degrade over time.

Status titles[]

Hunger status titles can be seen on the sidebar or Quick Ref page alongside the stats of the user's active Neopet.

  • Dying
  • Starving
  • Famished
  • Very Hungry
  • Hungry
  • Not Hungry
  • Fine
  • Satiated
  • Full Up
  • Very Full
  • Bloated*
  • Very Bloated*

*A bloated or very bloated Neopet may be unable to be fed for a while.

How to Feed Pets[]

Pets can commonly be fed food from establishments such as Kelp, Neopian Fresh Foods, Molten Morselskn q or the Golden Dubloon) or dailies (such as the Giant Omelette, Soup Kitchen or Giant Jelly). There is also a special variety of food (commonly found at the NC Mall) called "super food", which instantly makes pets it is fed to bloated and delighted.

Special Instances[]

  • If a Pteri is fed something with the word "worm" in its name, or a Kau with milk, they will instantly become bloated regardless of their hunger status.
  • Grarrls and Skeiths are able to eat any item. They can even eat items in their user's inventory when they get hungry, so it is recommended for the user to store important items in their safety deposit box if they own any of these pets.
    • Heavier non-food items (such as a Hewn Stone Chair) can satisfy these Neopets' hunger more than a lighter non-food item would. They can also stay very bloated for multiple days at a time.
  • Strangely, the Rainbow Melt Pizza changes a pet's hunger status to "very full".
  • Sometimes, Bloat B Gone (an alternate cure for Bloaty Belly) can change a bloated pet's hunger status to "not hungry".
  • There has been a Charity Corner perk (Burrrrrp!) that instantly made a pet of the user's choice bloated for a day. (In the 2018 Charity Corner, it instead kept all the user's pets fed for a week.)
  • Prior to March 2024, Neopets would refuse food that contained the same amount of letters as the pet's name (e.g. a pet with a 7-letter name would have refused food with 7, 14, 21 or 28 letters).
    • The same applied to books, toys, and petpets, although this would be circumvented by changing the site language so that the desired item would have a different number of letters.