The Grundo (grun-doh) is an alien Neopet that was introduced in Y2 during the Virtupets Plot. Originating from the planet Doran, these pets became enslaved to Dr. Sloth as part of a plot for him to take over Neopia. After he was defeated, the Grundos took over the Space Station and can now be found all over Neopia.
Grundo are 41cm (1.35ft) on average, making them one of the smaller Neopets.[1]
While Grundos are technically an LE species, they can be adopted any time at the Space Adoption Agency, where the user will be given the choice of 7 different colours - red, blue, yellow, green, brown, white, and purple.
Site description: "Originating from planet Doran, the Grundos share a dark past of being enslaved by Dr. Sloth. Thankfully, the Space Faerie and a band of awesome Neopians came to their rescue! Nowadays, most liberated Grundos reside in Kreludor."[2]
Available Colours[]
Below are all possible colours for the Grundo. Hit "Expand" to see every one!
8-Bit | Baby | Biscuit |
Gallery |
Available Styles[]
Below are all possible Pet Styles for the Grundo. Hit "Expand" to see every one!
Baby | Darigan | Faerie |
Gallery |
Previous Versions[]
At first, Grundos had only three fingers, apart from the Mutant Grundo, which had four. This was reversed in an artwork update that made regular Grundos appear much more friendly. Their antennae have also extended, and their eyes no longer popped out to the sides of their head.[3]
Famous Grundos[]
- Gargarox
- Gorix
- The Grundo Warehouse Workers
- Gruundo
- Parlax
- Spider Grundo
Game Appearances[]
- Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars - Zygorax
- Gormball - Gargarox and Zargold the COOL
- Grundo Snowthrow/Snow Wars II
- Grundo's Gym
- Freaky Factory - Grundo Thief
- Invasion of Meridell
- Kiss the Mortog
- The Last Blast - Sergeant Zarax
- Legends of Pinball, Moon Rock Rampage and Time Tunnel - Gorix
- Lost in Space Fungus
- NeoQuest II - Giant Sand Grundo
- Petpet Battles - Spengler
- Shenkuu Tangram
- S.M.E.L.T - Gruntharxx Knarvatron
- Spacerocked!
- Splat-A-Sloth
- Tug-O-War (G909) - Truggdon
- Typing Terror - The Grundo Bots and Grundo Programmer
- Yooyuball - Qlydae Wegg, Zenor Kevix and Larcy Phu
- In the early days of Neopets, Grundo pet pages had the story of how Dr. Sloth enslaved and kidnapped them from Doran, but the text was written backwards.
- TNT have cleared up that this was only to make them easier to understand and they do not actually speak this way (their actual language includes more X's and Z's).[4]
Official Grundo page
All Neopet species
Classic Grundo info
- ↑ Pet size
- ↑ Pet description
- ↑ Old versions
- ↑ Grundo trivia