Neopets Wiki
"Let's see . . . was it swish and then wave, or the other way?"

– Ganfrey in the Battledome

Ganfrey the Good is one of the characters in The Mysterious Obelisk plot. He is affiliated with the Order of the Red Erisim.


Ganfrey is a yellow Mynci with brown hair and a beard. He wears a pointy brown wizard's hat, a blue tunic, a red robe, and brown boots.


Ganfrey had tea with his friend Hilda the Hedgewitch shortly before the start of the Obelisk War. Hilda expressed a reluctance to go to battle as she felt the Order had enough magic and needn't bother with the obelisk. When he saw her use a spell to increase the size of a cookie, he sarcastically responded that it was a more noble use for magic than winning a war.
