The Festival of Neggs is an annual event in which Kari, the Negg Faerie, gets an opportunity to show off the amazing Neggs she works so hard all year to cultivate.
In April, 2009, Rosie the Dancing Grarrl hosted the 'Springtime Celebration' however in March, 2010, this was replaced by the Festival of Neggs.
The first Festival of Neggs was hosted by Kari and ran from March 15th to April 12th. You were able to claim a daily free gift by visiting the Festival, as well complete quests for Kari. During the Festival, you could also play neggtastic games, which were featured games and could be played 5 times a day.
The NC Mall activity for 2010 was Neggstravaganza Surprise.
In 2011, the Festival of Neggs returned and ran from April 6th to May 5th. Activities available this year included the Negg Hunt and a Community Toy Negg Hunt as well as quests. Also, Zaira made her first appearance this year, as part of the quest on April 18th, as the Neggery Apprentice.
The NC Mall activity for 2011 was Neggstravaganza Surprise.
The 2012 Festival of Neggs began on April 2nd and ended on April 22nd. Everyday there was a new Negg to find for the Negg Hunt, with extra prizes at the end for collecting the Neggs. In addition to the clue-based Negg Hunt, there were 10 plain plastic neggs to be found daily. Each day that all 10 were found, you received an extra prize.
Additionally, there was an event called the 'Negg Journey' revolving around an old journal found by Zaira in the Neggery. In the journal, a mysterious, powerfull Negg was described. This event ran from April 11th to April 23rd.
The NC Mall activities for 2012 were Edolie's Phantastic Finds and the "Real Negg Faerie".
The Festival of Neggs in 2013 began on March 25th and ended on April 14th. Similar to last year, there was a Negg Hunt as well as a plain plastic negg hunt. Bonus prizes were awarded at the end to those who had collected all patterned neggs on release day (3 prizes) or collected all patterned neggs (2 prizes) or not collected all the patterned neggs (1 prize).
The NC Mall activities for 2013 were Bloomin Neggs and Honest Pete.
In 2014, the Festival of Neggs started on March 14th. It will end on May 4th. The trend from the last two years continues, with a Negg Hunt and a plain plastic negg hunt.
The NC Mall activities for 2014 are Bloomin Neggs and the Negg-Gazer.