Neopets Wiki

Desert is an exotic colour for Neopets and Petpets.

The garb and makeup that the Desert pets sport follow the ancient Egyptian theme of the Lost Desert.

How to Obtain[]


To get a Desert Neopet, the player will need a Lost Desert Paint Brush (available from the Trading Post or Auction House for around 3,000,000 NP, Lost Desert Plot, a Bagguss Bonanza Scratchcard, or the Fruit Machine), Morphing Potion, Magical Plushie, access to the Lab Ray, Species Change Premium perk, Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway, or Rainbow Fountain. Players may also be able to adopt one, trade for one, or apply a Nostalgic Desert token (either from the Styling Studio or other players) to one of their pets for a different look.

Petpetbrush desert

For a Desert Petpet, the player will need a Desert Petpet Paint Brush or access to the Petpet Lab Ray. Players may also be able to get one via the Marketplace, Auction House, or Trading Post.


Plushie desert pb

There is also a Plushie version of the Lost Desert Paint Brush (estimated at 12,000 NP), but unlike the other two above, its only use is to be played with.

Desert Neopets[]

Here are all the Neopets that can be painted Desert. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

Desert acara Desert aisha Desert blumaroo
Acara Aisha Blumaroo

Desert Pet Styles[]

Appearing like an oasis mirage! Here are all the Neopets that can have Desert Pet Styles.

NostalgicDesertAisha NostalgicDesertKau NostalgicDesertPoogle
Aisha Kau Poogle

Desert Petpets[]

Here are all the Petpets that can be painted Desert. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

Desert Petpets in italics are unpaintable.


*The description for the Desert Abominable Snowball reads: Maybe this was a bad idea...
**The Desert Lyins was a 2018 Games Master Challenge prize.

See also[]
