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Lg xmas 2005

Christmas is celebrated on Neopets throughout the month of Celebrating (December) with the Advent Calendar.

It is also a colour celebrated in Neopets and Petpets alike, putting them in festive clothing in time for the holidays!

How to Obtain[]


To get a Christmas pet, the player will need a Christmas Paint Brush, Morphing Potion, Magical Plushie, access to the Lab Ray, Species Change Premium perk, Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway, or Rainbow Fountain. Players may also be able to adopt one, trade one, or apply a Nostalgic or Festive Christmas token (either from the Styling Studio or other players) to one of their pets for a different look.

Christmas petpetbrush

To get a Christmas Petpet, the player will need a Christmas Petpet Paint Brush or access to the Petpet Lab Ray. Players can also get one from the Marketplace, Auction House, or Trading Post.

Christmas Neopets[]

Here are all the Neopets that can be painted Christmas. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

Acara Christmas Aisha Christmas Blumaroo Christmas
Acara Aisha Blumaroo

Christmas Pet Styles[]

Oh, what a merry and bright sight! Here are all the Neopets that can have Christmas Pet Styles. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

NostalgicChristmasAcara NostalgicChristmasAisha NostalgicChristmasBlumaroo
Acara Aisha Blumaroo

Prismatic Christmas Styles[]


Here are all the Neopets that can have Prismatic Cocoa Christmas Pet Styles. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

PrismaticCocoaNostalgicChristmasAcara PrismaticPineNostalgicChristmasBruce PrismaticCocoaFestiveChristmasCybunny
Acara Bruce Cybunny

Here are all the Neopets that can have Prismatic Pine Christmas Pet Styles. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

PrismaticPineNostalgicChristmasAisha PrismaticPineNostalgicChristmasBlumaroo PrismaticPineNostalgicChristmasFlotsam
Aisha Blumaroo Flotsam

Here are all the Neopets that can have Prismatic Tinsel Christmas Pet Styles. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

PrismaticTinselNostalgicChristmasAcara PrismaticTinselNostalgicChristmasAisha PrismaticTinselNostalgicChristmasBlumaroo
Acara Aisha Blumaroo

Christmas Petpets[]

Here are all the Petpets that can be painted Christmas. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

Christmas Petpets in italics are unpaintable.


*The Christmas Arkmite, Pile of Soot, Yooyu, Goy, Frowny, Snowbunny, Gathow, and Wreathy were all given out by the Advent Calendar in 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2017, 2023, and 2024, respectively.
**The Christmas Taweret was a 2014 Charity Corner prize.

See also[]

External Links[]
