Cheeseroller is a Luck&Chance/Puzzle game fromMeridell on Neopets.
Site Description[]
" It's the new craze sweeping Neopia – buy your cheese from the cheese shop, and then see how fast you can run down a hill with it. It's that simple! If you manage to get down the hill in under a minute, you get to keep the cheese! "
Type of cheese[]
★ Spicy Juppie Cheese - 150np
★ Smoked Snorkle Cheese - 300np
★ Triple Mustard Cheese - 450np
★ Honey Cheese - 600np
★ Big Beefy Cheese - 750np
★ Purple Spotted Cheese - 900np
★ Brain Cheese - 1,050np
★ Alkenore Cheese - 1,200np
★ Mutated Cheese - 1,350np
★ Bubbling Blueberry Cheese - 1,500np
★ Tyrannian Dung Cheese - 1,650np
★ Quadruple Fudge Cheese - 1,800np
★ Brick Cheese - 1950np
★ Gooey Snot Cheese - 2100np
★ Peppermint Cheese - 2250np
★ Overgrown Cheese - 2400np
★ Heavy Bark Cheese - 2550np
★ Warty Blue Cheese - 2700np
★ Fragrant Ummagcheese - 2850np
★ Furry Chocomint Cheese - 3000np
- This game has an unknown NP ratio
- This game has an average difficulty of 2.8
- This game has a medal for 500 thousand plays
- If you finish this game in less than a minute, you may recieve an avatar!