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"Most faerie artefacts are relics from long ago, when Neopia was a very different place. They don't belong here now. It's my honour to make sure Neopia is safe for Neopets and faeries alike."

– Captain Brynneth

Captain Brynneth (or Brynn, for short) is an Orange Kougra who is famous for defeating Xandra in the Faerie's Ruin plot.


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The question of right versus wrong has always been an important one to this brave Kougra knight of the Brightvale Guards. Brynn began to rethink her way of looking at the world, though, when she met a thief named Hanso, who while basically good-hearted, was still a criminal. Even though she was bound by duty to arrest him, Brynn couldn't help but forge a friendship with Hanso, in spite of their many differences. When all of Neopia was threatened, Brynn's courage and sense of duty helped to defeat Xandra and undo the curse put on the faeries, a feat that earned her a position as Captain of Queen Fyora's Guards.

From an early age, Brynn had aspirations of joining the Brightvale Guard, dedicating her efforts to being accepted into their ranks. Fortunately, those efforts paid off when Brynn became one of the youngest knights to serve in King Hagan's guards. Of course, she was given ample opportunity to regret her choice after her first day, when an Ixi thief named Hanso tried to pick her pocket. She caught and arrested him immediately, but he escaped that night, starting a cycle of trouble for Brynn's otherwise illustrious career. Thus, when she ran into him while investigating the disastrous Faerie Festival in Y12 (2010), Brynn was understandably a little exasperated.

Yet, experience had taught her to trust the slippery Ixi, even when King Altador and Jazan were skeptical. Together, they were able to drive back the wraiths were helping the sorceress Xandra, who stated that she was trying to save Faerieland and all life on it, but it was later revealed that she was actually doing the opposite.

Devastated by the betrayal, Brynn nevertheless rallied with Hanso to stop Xandra. While Brynn defeated Xandra's enormous shadow monster, Oblivion, Hanso sacrificed himself to stop the sorceress. Brynn became devastated when she found him turned to stone, but thankfully, Queen Fyora was able to reverse the spell. As a reward for her courage in the face of great danger, Queen Fyora named Brynn captain of her guard. Rumour has it that King Hagan was quite gracious about the transfer, as it meant that Hanso would also be moving to Faerieland to assist Brynn with finding and deactivating numerous dangerous faerie artefacts all over Neopia and securing them deep in the vaults of Queen Fyora's royal castle. Chasing evil sorcerers and misguided maniacs may be a bit harder than catching thieves, but nevertheless, Brynn is happy to help Fearieland keep order.


  • Brynn A Biography
  • Brynns Brightvale Tunic
  • Brynns Collectors Wig and Helmet (NC)
  • Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting
  • Brynns Tattered Tunic (NC)
  • Brynnso Plushie Set
  • Hanso and Brynn Stamp

See also[]

External Links[]


Neopets Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Brynneth.