Neopets Wiki
Brightvale group

Team representing Brightvale


Brightvale logo


2006 Won against Kiko Lake, but were eliminated in the second round by Haunted Woods.

2007 Ranked 12th with 24 wins, 4 draws and 62 losses overall.

2008 Ranked 16th with 13 wins, 5 draws and 73 losses overall. Got last place in Group 4 in the finals.

Worst team overall.

2009 Did not participate.

2010 Ranked 13th with 65 wins, 11 draws and 76 losses overall. Won Group 4 in the finals, beating Mystery Island.

2011 Ranked 12th with 51 wins, 16 draws and 85 losses overall. Got last place in Group 3 in the finals, losing to Haunted Woods.

2012 Ranked 11th with 36 wins, 12 draws and 48 losses overall. Tied lower Group 3 against Terror Mountain.

2013 Ranked 11th with 40 wins and 60 losses overall.


Brightvale players

Name: Montecito

Species: Kacheek (Male)

Position: Right Defender

Strengths: Tenacity, Tackling, Craftiness

Weaknesses: Size, Running Plays

Name: Orie Dinelle

Species: Ogrin (Female)

Position: Goalkeeper

Strengths: Strong Instincts, Good Hands, Quickness

Weaknesses: Stamina

Name: Reb Weemelott

Species: Nimmo (Male)

Position: Right Forward

Strengths: Toughness, Speed, Craftiness

Weaknesses: Scoring

Name: Gordo Gunnels

Species: Grarrl (Male)

Position: Left Defender

Strengths: Size, Strength, Tackling

Weaknesses: Laziness, Passing

Name: Kayn Hireck

Species: Skeith (Male)

Position: Left Forward

Strengths: Scoring, Speed, Craftiness

Weaknesses: Consistency
