Neopets Wiki

Attack of the Slorgs
Neopoint-bag 1.00 Point = 1 NP
Difficulty-Meter-Difficult Medium
Iaza14042565375008 Meridell
External Links
Iaza14042576600800 High Score Page
Red Pteri The Daily Neopets
Button playnow

Attack of the Slorgs is an Action game from Meridell on Neopets.

Site Description[]

" Meridell. Home to some of the finest fruits and vegetables in the whole of Neopia. At least that is true most of the time, for when the icky, nasty Slorgs decide they are hungry there is not a farmer in the land who can stop them. In Attack of the Slorgs you play a resourceful Yurble farmer who has decided to take things into his own hands. You have spent the last few weeks making your Slorgeriser X4, a machine that spits out balls of Slorg-B-Gone. "


  • This game requires the Adobe Shockwave plugin
  • This game has a ribbon for 1 million plays


  • marrow - Gives the player an extra life. Once per game.
  • chargex4 - Recharges the Slorgeriser X4's laser when laser failure sets in. This may be used unlimited times.


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